Selamat malam.....
Hari ini, saya nak kongsikan serba sedikit tentang The Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) yang akan saya belajar buat sesi tahun 2011 dan 2012 bagi pelajar Tingkatan 4 dan Tingkatan 5 nanti.
History of Malay College | ![]() |
The Malay College Kuala Kangsar (Malay College, MCKK, MC or Kolet, Koleq and sometimes dubbed "the Eton of the East") is a premier residential school in Malaysia. It is an all-boys and all-Malay school located in the royal town of Kuala Kangsar, Perak. In the Malay language, it is called Kolej Melayu Kuala Kangsar or formerly Maktab Melayu Kuala Kangsar. Coat of ArmsThe shield is quartered, coloured white (Argent) in the first quarter, red (Gules) in the second, black (Sable) in the third and yellow (Or) in the fourth. The colors represent the four Houses of which the students in the College are grouped into; Idris (white), Sulaiman (red), Mohd Shah (yellow) and Ahmad (black). The Houses are named in honor of the four Sultans who founded the College. In the middle of the shield is a red kris, a traditional Malay dagger. On top of the crest is a head of a tiger which is the symbol of the Federation of Malaya. Surrounding the left and right side of the shield are laurel wreaths symbolizing excellence. The school motto is Fiat Sapientia Virtus, which is the Latin for Manliness Through Wisdom. School's anthemOh Kolej MelayuHarapan Bangsaku Dengan Sejarah yang Cemerlang Harumlah Namamu Kolej Istimewa Didikan untuk semua Keluar membimbing negara Maju terus mara Banggaku rasakan Khidmatku berikan Takku lupakan jasa-jasamu Oh Kolej Melayu During the MCOBA Annual Dinner 2007, the new lyrics for School's anthem was introduced. Just a slight change on the wording Kolej Melayu to Malay College as the school name had officially changed to 'The Malay College'. History![]() Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) is a premier and first fully-residential school in Malaysia. Established on 2nd January, 1905, it was originally known as the Malay Residential School of Kuala Kangsar. The school was the brainchild of Mr R J Wilkinson, then Inspector of Schools for the Federated Malay States. In a letter to the Resident-General dated 24th February 1904 he wrote about "establishing at a suitable locality in the F.M.S., a special residential school for the education of Malays of good family and for the training of Malay boys for admission to certain branches of Government service". Its formation was enthusiastically supported by the then Rulers of the Federated Malay States namely Sultan Idris Murshidul ‘Adzam Shah I of Perak, Sultan Alaiddin Sulaiman Shah of Selangor, Yam Tuan Tuanku Muhammad Shah of Negeri Sembilan and Sultan Ahmad Mu’adzam Shah of Pahang. Mr W Hargreaves, then Headmaster of Penang Free School was appointed as the first headmaster to lead the establishment of the school. Since 1965, the Malay College has been led by Malay headmasters. As it was founded to educate the Malay elite, comprising of royal children and the sons of Malay nobility, few of its early students were from amongst commoner families. This changed dramatically after 1947, as a result of rising Malay nationalism. Currently, selected Malay boys aged from 12 to 17 from all around Malaysia are being educated there. The Straits Echo on 15th April 1905 reported that a few boys were placed in cosy dormitories in Mr Hargreaves’ rented house, while the others were stabled in small houses formerly occupied by the Malayan Railway clerks. The second half of the school, conducted by Mr Vanrenen was held in a fowl house. Altogether, there were 40 boys in the first intake of the school. The sanction for the building of a permanent school became official on 23rd December 1905, and by 1st May 1909, the Big School was first brought into use. On Saturday, 11th December 1909, the Big School was officially opened by the Sultan of Perak, and the auspicious date also marked the change in the name of the school from the Malay Residential School of Kuala Kangsar to the Malay College of Kuala Kangsar. The change also seems to have seen greater emphasis on the original aim of MCKK, for in a report for 1910 we read: "From this school the Government have great hopes that the sons of Malays of the Raja and higher class will be educated and trained on the lines of an English Public School and be fitted to take a share in the Government of their Country". ![]() Since its inception, more than 5,000 boys (and 2 girls) have had the privilege to enter the gates of MCKK. Though it was initially founded to educate the Malay elites, it changed dramatically as a result of rising Malay nationalism since 1947. Today, selected Malay boys from all walks of life and aged from 12 to 17 from all over Malaysia are educated in MCKK. The college celebrated its centennial celebration on 26th March 2005, attended by dignitaries, old boys, and townspeople. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia attended the event, along with the royal rulers of the states of Perak, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan as well as the governor of Malacca. MCKK has been the school for many prominent Malaysians such as kings, sultans, prime ministers, ministers as well as senior officials in the Government and leading figures in the private sector. MCKK boys undoubtedly fill many of the pages of "Who's Who" in Malaysia. Buildings |
Kecemerlangan dan Kesejahteraan

College Mission
- Memantapkan potensi pelajar dalam bidang akademik, kokurikulum, sahsiah, kepimpinan dan ketrampilan diri.
- Meningkatkan amalan nilai-nilai hidup yang murni berteraskan ajaran agama seperti berakhlak mulia, jujur, bertanggungjawab, berdisiplin, kongruen asertif, empati dan menghormati antara satu sama lain.
- Mewujudkan sekolah berwatak dan unik untuk mencapai visi "Kecemerlangan dan Kesejahteraan".
- Mempertingkatkan tahap celik teknologi maklumat, mempunyai pemikiran kreatif, bermotivasi tinggi, berdaya saing serta mampu memperkembangkan potensi diri dalam semua bidang.
- Membimbing dan melatih para pelajar menjadi pemimpin berkualiti yang mempunyai kesedaran dan tanggungjawab terhadap sekolah, agama, bangsa, dan negara, bersemanagat patriotisme, mematuhi prinsip-prinsip Rukun Negara serta merealisasikan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan.
Kemasukan ke Tingkatan 4
Syarat dan kelayakan utama untuk memasuki tingkatan 4 pada setiap tahun pengajian:1) Kelayakan minimum 8 A dalam peperiksaan PMR atau setaraf dengannya.
2) Mempunyai rekod yang cemerlang dalam bidang kokurkulum.
3) Mempunyai daya kepimpinan yang cemerlang diperingkat menengah rendah.
4) Pelajar cemerlang dalam PMR dengan markah tertinggi yang ditetapkan oleh Lembaga Peperiksaan
Malaysia serta tersenarai antara 60 orang pelajar lelaki terbaik seluruh negara akan ditawarkan ke tingkatan 4 di The Malay College Kuala Kangsar. Kemasukan bukan secara otomatik tetapi adalah berdasarkan permohonan selepas mendapat keputusan PMR pada setiap tahun.
Semua urusan pengambilan bagi semua pelajar akan dilakukan oleh pihak Sektor Sekolah Berasrama Penuh ( Sektor SBP) Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Pelajar atau ibu bapa hanya perlu mengisi borang bagi kemasukan ke sekolah berasrama penuh dan memilih jurusan sains semasa berada di sekolah rendah atau selepas mendapat keputusan PMR.
Pengambilan akan dibuat secara berperingkat peringkat dari bulan Januari hingga bulan Julai bagi setiap tahun.
Nak tau lebih lanjut..JOM TENGOK!!!
Salam Hormat....
Salam Sayang.....
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